


ID 5
NAME Rigrodowski
LOCATION New York City
SOUND spaink spaink

Rigrodowski Teaser

In a city that reputedly never sleeps lives a man (or half a man I should say) who drives a taxi cab 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, never stopping long enough to take a single passenger, let alone shave the stubble from his chin. A Brobbit mystery indeed, but one which can be partially explained. "Rigrod waits for no man," goes the saying, and those who have seen him marvel at his relentless energy. "It's a wonder the cops never pull him over," remarks one observer. But the police insist that both the diminutive size of the vehicle and the engine prevent Rigrod from driving faster than 35 mph. "Besides, he always looks both ways and has never come within three feet of a pedestrian," explained the Police Chief. Rigrod, and his younger brother Jimbo, both lost their legs in an auto accident. Says an old friend, "they were playing chicken. You know, when you drive at each other to see who swerves out of the way first. Well, neither of them would ever admit to being chicken and they smashed into each other. I remember Rigrod trying to put his legs back on afterwards, but it was too late. When he learned he could never drive again, he refused to accept defeat. He had a car specially designed for his mutilated body and then had himself permanently attached to the vehicle. For Rigrod, it's like that song, 'Life is Highway. You could take away his legs but never his will to travel." Rigrod has attracted national interest ever since Lars Blackshoe offered to pay him to appear in what the press mockingly terms the "freak circus."

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